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SWOSSAA Resources

Divisions, Procedures, and Champions
Female Golfer

Playing Regulations


Badminton Playing Regulations

1. Awards
SENIOR: C.A. Bailey Ltd. Trophy and Plaque
JUNIOR: R. McEachran Trophy and Plaque
In addition, the individual champion in each event will receive a medal. Place ribbons will be awarded to those competitors finishing 2nd, 3rd or 4th in each event.

Points will be awarded to four places in all events as follows: 7, 5, 3, and 1.

The events shall consist of girls singles, boys singles, girls doubles, boys doubles and mixed doubles.

a) The tournament shall consist of 12 entries per event. WECSSAA and LKSSAA will be allowed six entries per event.
b) Players may compete only in the category in which they qualified from in their member association meet.
c) Once a player has begun play in the tournament, no substitution in allowed.

a) The tournament will be a one day event.
b) The tournament will alternate between LKSSAA (even numbered years) and WECSSAA (odd numbered years).
c) The choice of location for the tournament shall be at the discretion of the convenor who shall provide a least six suitable courts.
d) The tournament shall be a true double elimination tournament with all competitions consisting of two games out of three matches.

6. Equipment
a) Players will be responsible for bringing their own playing equipment and practice birds.
b) Game birds will be provided by the convenor and shall be the bird used at OFSAA.
c) In order to be allowed to play, competitors must dress as follows: a T-shirt (long or short-sleeved) or collared shirt that is 90% white, or the designated school badminton uniform including shorts, skirt or one piece outfit. Players may wear headgear or track pants for religious/medical reasons at the discretion of the convenor. Doubles and mixed players must wear similar uniforms.
d) Inappropriately dressed competitor will not be allowed to play and must forfeit their match.
e) All competitors in the SWOSSAA Badminton Championships MUST wear protective eyewear when on the court. The eye wear must meet ASTMF803 approval through the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

7. Playing Rules
a) The rules of the Canadian Badminton Association shall be the rules of the tournament.
b) Judges other than coaches will be available for play-off matches.
c) Gymnasium managers and court assistants are to be supplied by the host member association and assigned by the convenor. Their function is to limit the length of warm-ups, control use of the courts between games, process disputes and report results.
d) Players not available when the game is due are liable to forfeit.
e) A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed between consecutive matches or when a player is injured.

a) In the first round WE1, WE2,LK1 and LK2 will have a bye in each event. WE1 and LK2 will be in one half of the draw and LK1 and WE2 will be in the other half of the draw.


Baseball Playing Regulations


The champion shall receive a plaque. In addition, each member of the winning team shall receive a medal (max 20/ team)


The LKSSAA representative will play the WECSSA representative in a one game play off. In odd-numbered years, the game will be hosted by WECSSAA. In even-numbered years, the game will be hosted by LKSSAA.


The Official Baseball Rules (OBR) shall govern play at the SWOSSAA Championship with the following exceptions and/or points of emphasis:
(a) All games will be seven (7) innings except when a team is leading by ten (10) or more runs after five (5) innings or four and a half (41/2) innings if the home team is ahead. If this is the case, the mercy rule is applied and the game is ended.
(b) Tie games: A runner will be placed at second base at the start of each half-inning who will be the player in the batting order immediately preceding that half-inning’s leadoff hitter or a pinch runner.
(c) A pitcher may not pitch in more than three innings. Innings do not have to be consecutive. Once a pitcher takes his place on the pitcher’s plate, he is considered to have pitched in that inning (even if no pitches are thrown). A pitcher removed between innings or on the first trip of an innings is eligible to pitch again later in the game provided the pitcher remained in the game playing another defensive position and the three inning limit is not exceeded.
(d) A designated hitter may be used only for the pitcher.
(e) Runners are instructed to slide or attempt to avoid making contact with a fielder. A player who maliciously runs into another player is to be declared “out” (unless he has already scored prior to committing the infraction) and is to be automatically ejected from the game.
(f) The catcher shall NOT be replaced on the bases if there are two (2) outs.
(g) Re-entry Rule.
Any starting player may be substituted for and may later re-enter the game subject to the following provisions:
i) The re-entered player must return to his original spot in the batting order
ii) Only players on the original starting line-up are eligible for re-entry. A starting player’s right to re-enter is not affected by intervening substitutions.
iii) Starting players may only re-enter the game once.
iv) If an offensive player re-enters the game illegally, it shall be treated as Batting Out of Order. If a defensive player re-enters illegally, the proper player must replace him with no further penalty.
v) A substituted pitcher may not re-enter to pitch.
vi) Any substituted starting player (other than the starting pitcher) may pitch upon re-entering the game, provided he did not previously pitch in the game.
vii) When a team elects to use the Designated Hitter, a substituted starting pitcher may not re-enter the game in any capacity because the starting pitcher is not listed in the starting batting order.
viii) When a team elects NOT to use the Designated Hitter, a removed pitcher may re-enter to play another defensive position but may not pitch again in that game.
(h) All bats must conform to the Ontario Baseball Association rule that a bat cannot weigh more than three (3) ounces less than the length of the bat. (For example, a 33 inch long bat cannot weigh more than 30 ounces) The bat cannot have a diameter at its thickest part of more than 2 5/8 inches. Metal bats are NOT allowed. The bat must be solid wood or composite.
(i) Only baseballs approved by Baseball Canada for use by Midget age and up (16 and older) shall be used at SWOSSAA.
(j) Shoes with metal cleats or rubber moulded cleats are permitted.
(k) Catchers must wear a helmet and mask with adequate throat protection at all times. Note: this includes practice and warm-ups. Coaches must wear at least a mask in all practice and warm-up situations.
(l) The use of all tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco products by all on-field participants (players, coaches, managers, trainers) is prohibited at all times and is subject to automatic ejection from the game.
(m) No visible jewelry is allowed.
(n) All uniforms must have numbers on the back of the uniform shirt. Coaches must be uniformly dressed in team colours- no shorts. All players and coaches must wear their official team cap.


Two umpires will be used in the SWOSSAA championship. These umpires will be from the area of the convenor.


Basketball Playing Regulations


Senior A Kingsville Teenage Club Trophy and Plaque
Senior AA Windsor Firefighters Trophy and Plaque
Senior AAA Ted Emerson Memorial Trophy and Plaque
Junior A Merlin Kinsmen Trophy and Plaque
Junior AA Bert Brown Trophy and Plaque
Junior AAA Plaque

In addition to the above, each member of the winning team will receive a medal (max. 15 team).


Senior A Conklin Lumber Trophy and Plaque
Senior AA A. Langford Trophy and Plaque
Senior AAA Windsor Star Trophy and Plaque
Junior A Merlin Rotary Club Trophy and Plaque
Junior AA G. Ouellette Memorial Trophy and Plaque
Junior AAA Plaque

In addition to the above, each member of the winning team will receive a medal (max. 15 team).


The LKSSAA representative will play the WECSSAA representative in a one game play off. The game will alternate yearly between LKSSAA and WECSSAA.


a) The current FIBA Rule Book shall be the governing regulations for the current year except as noted herein: i) a thirty (30) second shot clock will be used. In addition to the full re-sets indicated in the rule book, there will be full re-sets on all fouls and shots that hit the rim. ii) Federation lines will be used. iii) The Federation Game Length will be used (including overtime). iv) There will be no dunking in warm up (technical foul(s) will be assessed to the player(s)).
b) In all junior games, two O.A.B.O. officials form the area of the convenor in which the play-off occurs will be used.
c) In all senior games, two O.A.B.O. officials will be used. One official will be from the area of the convenor in which the play-off occurs and the area of the visiting team will be invited to send the second official. If the visiting team’s officials association declines then both officials will come from the area of the home team.
d) The Board of Directors will set a travel rate for the visiting official. The game rate for the visiting official will be the same as that for the local officials.
e) The home team will wear a uniform that is light in colour.
f) In senior play, a team is allowed to enter a maximum of fifteen players in the official scorebook. In junior play, there is no limit to the number of players that may be entered in the scorebook.
g) Teams from outside the host member association shall have the option of supplying one of the minor officials (scorer or timer) provided the convenor is notified twenty-four hours in advance. Both minor officials shall preferably be staff members. The convenor or his/her representative shall be present at the scorer’s table.


Cross-Country Playing Regulations


Senior Boys: The Alex Liddell Trophy and Plaque
Junior Boys: The Drakonian Shield and Plaque
Novice Boys: C.K.S.S. Student Athletic Association Trophy and Plaque
Senior Girls: R.S.S. Student Parliament Trophy and Plaque
Junior Girls: Phoenix Re-Conditioners Trophy and Plaque
Novice Girls: Edward J. Dawson Trophy and Plaque

In addition to the above, members of the winning team will receive a medal (max 5/team) and the individual champion in each division will receive a medal.
Place ribbons shall be awarded to individuals that finish second through sixth and teams that finish second through sixth. (max 5/team)


The meet shall be held at least one week prior to OFSAA. The course should have the following approximate distances over suitable terrain:

Novice Girls 4000m Novice Boys: 4000m
Junior Girls 5000m Junior Boys 5000m

Senior Girls




Senior Boys




A 400 m tolerance is permitted in each race. The start and finish line will be within 400 m of each other. The two member association convenors will review the SWOSSAA course at least one week prior to the date of SWOSSAA.


a) In each division, each member association will be allowed to enter 10 teams and those individuals not on teams who finish in the top 30 at their member association race.


a) The rules of the World Athletics shall apply.
b) A team shall consist of unlimited number of runners with four (4) to count in point standings. In case of a tie, the position of the fourth runner involved in the tie shall determine the winner.
c) Spikes or suitable flats may be worn.
d) Distinguishable identical school uniform tops must be worn by all team members.
e) The OFSAA scoring system shall be used. Places for individual runners shall not be eliminated when team scores are determined.
f) Any runner participating as a member of a qualifying team from LKSSAA or WECSSAA at the SWOSSAA meet must have competed in that division at his/her own member association meet.
g) Substitutions must be made in writing no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet.
h) All competitors from the same school will line up in the same starting box in each race.


Curling Playing Regulations


A plaque and six medals will be awarded to each of the winning boys and girls teams.


The boys and girls divisions will be played on the same date and in the same location.


The number of entries for the SWOSSAA bonspiel will be four teams. Each member association will be allowed two teams The convenor will be notified of the competing teams at least four days prior to the championship.


a) The playing rules shall be those as set down by the Canadian Curling Association.
b) All games shall be eight ends. In the event of a tie, full ends shall be played until a winner is declared. When time is not available, the convenor shall permit each member of the teams to throw one rock.
c) Each team shall be entitled to one five minute time-out at the end of the fourth end and one three minute time-out before the start of the first extra end. In addition, each team will be entitled to two sixty second time-outs, called by the skip or coach, at any time during the game when the team has control of the house. The team that called time out may access the playing surface. Coaches must wear appropriate footwear to access the ice surface. The team that did not call the time out may confer with the coach, but may not access the playing surface. If the game goes into extra ends, each team may call one 60 second time out during each extra end. Time outs shall not be carried forward to extra end (s) or from one extra end to another.
d) During the competition, if a team only has four (4) players and one player is unable to continue play because of illness or injury, the team will forfeit the game.
e) Substitution procedures shall follow Canadian Curling Association Rules.
f) All decisions of the umpire are final.


a) The draw for the semi-finals will be: LK 1 vs. WE2 and LK2 vs. WE1. b) The two semi final winners will meet in the final. c) Friendship Round – In the spirit of SWOSSAA competition, it is expected that the losers of the semi-final game will curl in the friendship round.


Football Playing Regulations


The champion shall receive a plaque.


a) The championship game will alternate yearly between LKSSAA and WECSSAA.


The rules of the Canadian Rule Book for Tackle Football shall govern play with the following exceptions and points of emphasis:
a) Each team will use the OFSAA football sanctioned game balls (4 will be provided by SWOSSAA – one for each AAA school and one for each A/AA school); each team will keep one ball following the game.
b) Teams shall play 4 quarters of 12 minutes each. The clock will start and stop as per the rule book.
c) Tie Game: The overtime procedure shall follow the rulebook.
d) Each team shall be allowed two time-outs per half of regulation time and one time-out during the over-time process in 3.c). Time outs shall be one minute. Players may come to the benches. Coaches may not enter the field of play unless attending an injury.
e) If both teams have the same colour uniform top, it is the responsibility of the home team to change.
f) Numbering requirements as outlined in Rule 4, Section 3, Article 1 will be followed.
g) To achieve first down yardage, teams shall be permitted the same number of downs as used in the OFSAA playoffs. h) Blocking below the waist and blocking below the knee are allowed as per the rule book.
i) The length of half time shall be ten (10) minutes.
j) Any player who accumulates three (3) unnecessary Roughness and/or Objectionable Conduct fouls during a game will be ejected from the game.


a) Six football officials will be used in each SWOSSAA play-off game.
b) A split crew of officials will be used in the Final. The officials shall be assigned in the following manner:
Host member association: Referee, Back Umpire, Back Judge.
Visiting member association: Umpire, Head Linesman, Line Judge.
c) For the SWOSSAA Final, the game rate for the visiting officials will be the same as that for the local officials. This will be the same as basketball.


Golf Playing Regulations


Boys: David Lowry Trophy and Plaque
Girls: Plaque

In addition, members of the winning boys team will receive a medal (max 4/team) and members of the winning girls team will receive a medal (max 3/team).
The individual champion in both the “open” and “High school” divisions will receive a medal.


There shall be a boys tournament and a girls tournament held on the same day and in the same location.


a) In boys golf, LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed to enter four (4) teams. In addition, LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed to enter the top ten individuals from their member association tournament who are not members of eligible teams. In girls golf, LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed to enter two (2) teams. In addition, LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed to enter fourteen (14) individuals from their member association tournament who are not members of eligible teams. A boys team will consist of a minimum of three members and a maximum of four members. A girls team will consist of exactly three members.
b) All golfers are eligible for the individual championship. If a student-athlete is registered as an individual, they are not eligible for the team championship.
c) In order for a girl to compete at the SWOSSAA Golf tournament, she must make a score of 60 or less for nine holes or 120 or less for 18 holes at their member association tournament.


a) The championship tournament will consist of eighteen (18) holes stroke play.
b) The tournament shall be conducted under the rules of the Royal Canadian Golf Association and the local rules of the course where the tournament is played except as noted herein.
c) A coaches meeting shall be held one hour prior to the start of the tournament so that local rules may be clarified.
d) During the one hour period prior to the first tee-off, players and coaches may walk the course.
e) Caddies are not allowed. Pull carts may be used.
f) Any coaching/communication with the players will not be permitted on the course. (Communication includes but is not limited to coaches, parents and spectators. Cell phone use of any kind is not permitted).  Coaches and spectators are NOT allowed on the course while play is in progress.
g) All teams shall tee-off before individuals. The starting order will be determined by draw with the proviso that all teams #1 players be distributed throughout the draw.
h) In order to qualify as an individual at the SWOSSAA championship, a player must score sixty (60) or below for nine holes or one hundred and twenty (120) or below for eighteen holes at that player’s Member Association tournament.


a) The three low gross scores of each team (both boys and girls) on the day’s play shall be totalled to determine the team champion.
b) The individual player posting the low gross score for eighteen (18) holes shall be declared the individual champion. In case of a tie for the individual championship, extra holes, on a sudden-death basis, shall be played until a winner is declared. The holes to be used for the play-off will be determined at the coaches meeting. In case of a tie for the last position to qualify for OFSAA, a play-off will be used.
c) In case of a tie for the boys team championship, the team having the fourth player with the best score shall be declared the champion. In the event that the teams are still tied, extra holes, on a sudden-death basis will be played until a winner is declared. All four players will participate in the play-off with the three low gross scores to determine the winner. The players will tee-off in reverse order (#4’s first). A maximum of four people will tee-off together. In case of a tie, for the girls team championship, extra holes, on a sudden death basis, will be played until a winner is declared. All three players will participate in the play-off with the three low gross scores to determine the winner. The players will tee-off in reverse order (#3’s first). A maximum of four people will tee-off together. Coaches may relate scores of players who have finished a hole to their team mates who are still playing. The holes to be used for the play-off will be determined at the coaches meeting. In case of a tie for the last position to qualify for OFSAA, a play-off will be used.
d) In case of a tie for both the team and individual championship, the play-off for the team championship will be held first. If a golfer is involved in both the team and individual championship, then different holes will be played for the individual championship than were plated for the team championship. In case a playoff cannot be held or cannot be finished due to darkness or inclement weather, then follow the OFSAA Playing Regs. In the event that there is still a tie, go to Retrogression. A tie after this will result in a coin flip.


a) The convenor shall be responsible for reserving a suitable golf course for the appropriate time to conduct the tournament.
b) The convenor shall:
i) arrange play in satisfactory groupings
ii) arrange appropriate starting times and circulate copies of the draw to all teams and individuals.
iii) eitherstart players on the first (and if possible tenth) tees with reasonable spacing or use a shot gun start.
iv) arrange to keep scores on an appropriate scoreboard including the posting of nine hole scores at the tenth tee, if feasible.
c) The convenor, where possible, shall allocate to every group a designated teacher-supervisor whose purpose is to assist in keeping the group on schedule with respect to pace of play and keep the group’s score. It is not the expectation of the teacher-supervisor to make on-course rulings.


The tournament will alternate yearly between LKSSAA (even numbered years) and WECSSAA ( odd numbered years).

All of the above regulations shall apply equally to the boys and to the girls tournament where applicable.


Hockey Playing Regulations


AAA Trophy and Plaque
A/AA Plaque

In addition, each member of the winning team will receive a medal (max 20).


No player (girl or boy) will be eligible to play in the SWOSSAA playoffs who does not meet the eligibility requirements under the OFSAA Playing Regulations of Hockey 5(c).


a) If both member associations have representatives, they will play a one game sudden death play-off.
b) The game will alternate yearly between the two member associations.


The CAHA (boys) and the OWHA (girls) rules and regulations will govern play with the following exceptions and/or points of emphasis:
a) Game Time
Games will be three fifteen minute periods with a flood in between the 2nd and 3rd period. If a game is tied at the end of regulation time, then one (1) five minute (5 on 5) sudden victory overtime period will be played. If the game is still tied, then one (1) five minute (4 on 4) sudden victory overtime period will be played. If the game is still tied, then a series of five minute (3 on 3) sudden victory overtime periods will be played until a winner is determined.
b) Number of Players
Each team will be allowed to dress twenty (20) players, two (2) of whom must dress and play as goalkeepers only.
c) Equipment
All players must wear a CSA approved helmet, ear flaps, and face mask and a BNQ approved throat protector (neck guard). Mouth guards are highly recommended for all players, including goalkeepers.
d) Red Line
The red line shall be eliminated with regard to the offside rule and thus the following special rule applies: The legal number of players must be on the ice for each face off (to prevent gaining positional advantage after the drop of the puck).
e) Penalties
(i) If a player receives a major penalty (except for fighting), his/her team will play short-handed for five (5) minutes and that player is ineligible for the remainder of that game and his/her team’s next game.
NOTE: If a player’s team wins SWOSSAA before the suspension has been served, the suspension will carry over into OFSAA.
(ii) If a player receives a major penalty for fighting or a match penalty, his/her team will play short-handed for five (5) minutes and that player is ineligible for the remainder of that game and will be suspended from all further SWOSSAA and OFSAA games until he/she appears before the Board of Reference. Anyone who drops his/her gloves and attacks an opponent will be penalized under this section.
(iii) If a player receives a gross misconduct penalty, that player is ineligible for the remainder of that game and will be suspended from all further SWOSSAA and OFSAA games until he/she appears before the Board of Reference.
(iv) If a player receives a game misconduct penalty, that player is ineligible for the remainder of that game and his/her team’s next game. NOTE: If a player’s team wins SWOSSAA before the suspension has been served, the suspension will carry over into OFSAA.
(v) Three stick penalties in a game (cross-checking, high-sticking, slashing, butt-ending, spearing) will result in a game expulsion. No further penalties will be assessed outside the third minor.
f) Time outs
Each team is allowed one (1) thirty second time out per game.


There shall be three officials: 1-referee, 2-linespersons. They all shall come from the area of the convenor in which the play-off occurs.


Soccer Playing Regulations


Senior Boys AAA Pake Sport Shop Trophy and Plaque
Senior Boys AA Plaque
Senior Boys A Plaque
Senior Girls AAA Plaque
Senior Girls AA Plaque
Senior Girls A Plaque

In addition to the above, each member of the winning team will receive a medal. (max 20/team)


The LKSSAA representative will play the WECSSAA representative in a one game playoff. In even numbered years , LKSSAA will host the girls championships and WECSSAA will host the boys championships.  In odd numbered years, LKSSAA will host the boys championships and WECSSAA will host the girls championships.


One referee and two official linesmen shall be used in all play-off games and shall be appointed by the convenor.


The O.S.A. rule book shall govern play with the following exceptions:
a) Length of Game
The game shall consist of two (2) forty (40) minute halves in all divisions.
b) Number of Players
Sr. Boys: A team may dress a maximum of 20 players.
Sr. Girls: A team may dress a maximum of 20 players.

c) Substitution
Unlimited substitution shall be allowed. It may occur at: goal kicks, goals scored, half-time AND on throw-ins, BUT only by the team in control of the ball and in the case of injuries at the discretion of the referee.
Substitution for a yellow-carded player is compulsory. The yellow-carded player is the only player who may be replaced at that time and he/she may re-enter the game at a regular substitution period. A player who receives a yellow card and has not re-entered the game may not replace another player who receives a yellow card.
If a player receives a red card, he/she must leave the field for the remainder of the game (no substitution allowed). If his/her team wins the game and continues on the SWOSSAA final or OFSAA play, he/she may not play in his/her team’s next game. All red-carded players must be reported to the Secretary-treasurer.


If the two teams are tied at the end of regulation time, the following procedures shall be used:
a) Two ten minute halves.
b) If the teams are still tied, each team shall select five players from those on the field at the conclusion of overtime. These five players will take penalty kicks alternatively, the first team to kick being decided by coin toss. The winner will be the team scoring the most penalty kicks.
c) If the teams are still tied, the remaining players shall take penalty kicks alternatively, the winning team being that team which is ahead after any pair of penalty kicks.


If a player receives a red card or equivalent during a championship game of his/her member association, the one game suspension is in effect for the next SWOSSAA game in which his/her school participates.


Swimming Playing Regulations

Each competitor who finishes in the top six (6) in each event shall receive a ribbon ( no limit).

The SWOSSAA swim meet is herein defined as a qualifying meet for swimmers to proceed from their local championship to the OFSAA championship.

The SWOSSAA swim meet shall provide competition in High School, Open and Para-swimming divisions. Eligibiliy to compete in a division shall follow OFSAA rules.

a) The events held at the SWOSSAA swim meet will be the same as those held at the OFSAA meet.
b) The order of the events shall follow the OFSAA format.
c) All events are timed finals.

Each school shall enter its competitors in the SWOSSAA swim meet. The entry procedures shall be provided in the meet package that will be distributed to member schools.
a) Open and High School events (individual and relays)
i) The winner and 2nd place finisher of each event at the LKSSAA or WECSSAA swim meet will have automatic entry to the SWOSSAA swim meet.
ii) All other competitors will be ranked according to their best time of the season in each event, and the top 26 will also qualify for the SWOSSAA swim meet.
iii) A school may enter any number of competitors in an individual event and one team per relay team provided they qualify under (i) and (ii) above.
b) A school may enter any number of competitors in each Para-swimming event. There are no time standards for Para-swimming events.
c) Competitors may enter a maximum of 4 events and if they enter the maximum one must be a relay.
d) A relay team may be made up of six (6) competitors, any four (4) of whom may swim.
e) For the Open Relays, teams may consist of swimmers from the High School Division, the Open Division or any combination thereof.
f) A Para-swimmer competitor who chooses to swim in the Para-swimming division may not swim in the corresponding event in the High School or Open division. For the other events, he/she may swim in the High School division or Open division only.
g) Entries must be received by the SWOSSAA convenor by the date and time specified in the Association entry package. No late entries will be accepted.

No longer used.

a) S.N.C. rules shall govern competition at the SWOSSAA swim meet with the following exceptions:
i) IPC swimming rules shall govern the Para-swimming portion of the competition.
ii) Scratches are to be submitted to the marshal at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the meet.
b) The pool shall be open for warm-ups prior to the start of the meet. The warm-up schedule shall be distributed in the school information packages. S.N.C. warm-up procedures will be in effect.
c) If a swimmer qualifies in one event (relay included), they are allowed one (1) bonus swim. Bonus swims must be entered with actual times for seeding purposes but may not be used to qualify for OFSAA. All bonus swims must be indicated by checking BONUS in Hytek Team Manager when submitting entries.

The convenor shall be responsible for obtaining competent officials for the SWOSSAA swim meet.

a) In the high school and open divisions, the winner of each event plus those competitors who make the OFSAA time standard for their event at the SWOSSAA swim meet shall be entered to the OFSAA swim meet.
b) All Para-swimmers who compete at the SWOSSAA swim meet shall be entered to the OFSAA swim meet.


Tennis Playing Regulations

The team champion in the High School division shall receive a plaque.
In addition, the individual champion in each event shall receive a medal.
Also, place ribbons will be awarded to those student-athletes finishing 2nd and 3rd. Medals and ribbons will be awarded in any division only if at least one match takes place.

Points will be awarded to four places as follows: First-8, Second-5, Third-3, Fourth-1.

There will be two divisions: Open and High School players (as defined by OFSAA).
In each division, the events will consist of girls’ singles, boys’ singles, girls’ doubles, boys’ doubles and mixed doubles. A competitor may enter only one event.

Each member association will be allowed 4 (four) entries per event.

The Tennis Canada Rules of the Court shall govern play at the SWOSSAA Tennis Championship except as noted in #6 Championship Tournament.

a) The High School tournament will be a one day tournament held in the week that includes the sixth Monday after Labour Day. The location of the tournament will alternate yearly between LKSSAA and WECSSAA. The high school and open tournament will be held at the same time.
b) The Tournament will be a partial double elimination tournament. Each match will be one pro-set to 8,no add scoring, with a 12 point tie-break at 7 all.
NOTE: The 12 point tie-breaker is won by the first player/team to win seven (7) points as long as the player/team leads by two (2) points. The tie-breaker continues until one player/team leads by two (2) points regardless of the score (for example: it could end at 100-98).
c) Any team or individual not reporting to the convenor within fifteen minutes of the calling time shall be subject to disqualification at the discretion of the convenor.
d) The convenor shall be present for the entire tournament. The convenor shall be the head official for any disputes. Tennis balls shall be supplied by the convenor. e) Rest periods between matches shall not exceed 15 minutes if a court is available and the convenor calls the match.
f) The convenor will retain the right to change the length or format of matches due to time constraints or the weather.
g) Medical provisions may be allowed up to fifteen minutes per match as per the convenor’s discretion.
h) In order to be allowed to play, competitors must dress in proper athletic attire which covers the midsection.
i) In the Open Division, the convenor will be responsible for seeding the entries prior to creating the draw and may use current OTA rankings and/or other available information for seeding.

If there are eight entries in an event, the following draw will be used for the first round:
A) WEC 1 vs LK 4, B) WEC 3 vs LK 2, C) L K 1 vs WEC 4, D) LK 3 vs WEC 2.
The remainder of the draw will be:
E) Loser A vs Loser B, F) Loser C vs Loser D, G) Winner A vs Winner B H) Winner C vs Winner D I) Winner E vs Loser H, J) Winner F vs Loser G, K) Winner G vs Winner H L) Winner I vs Winner J, M) Winner L vs Loser K.
The SWOSSAA champion will be the winner of match K. The second place finisher will be the winner of Match M. The third place finisher will be the loser of Match M. The fourth place finisher will be the loser of Match L. .
If an Open Division draw has 4-7 entries, the same draw format will be used. The top seed(s) will receive first round byes.
If there are only three entries in an event, then a round robin tournament will be held for that event. If at the end of the round robin, one team is 2-0, one team is 1-1 and one team is 0-2, then the team that is 2-0 is the SWOSSAA champion, the team that is 1-1 is second and the team that is 0-2 is third. If at the end of the round robin each team is 1-1, then for each team the difference between games won and games lost will be calculated. The following examples will illustrate what happens next:
i)Team A is +4, Team B is + 2, Team C is -6. Team A and Team B will play a match for the SWOSSAA championship.
ii) Team A is +4, Team B is -2, Team C is -2. Team A will play whoever won the round robin match between B and C for the SWOSSAA championship.
iii) All three teams have a difference of zero. Then a random draw will place the teams 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The 2nd and 3rd place teams will play a match with the winner of that match playing the 1st place team for the SWOSSAA championship. If the winner of the match between the 2nd and 3rd place team also wins the SWOSSAA championship, then an additional match will take place between the two teams that the SWOSSAA champion defeated to determine 2nd and 3rd place.
iv) If there are only two entries in an event, they will play a 2 out of 3 set match with each set to 6 (must win by 2 games) with a 12 point tie-break at 6 all.

Track & Field

Track and Field Playing Regulations


Over-all University of Windsor Trophy and Plaque
Over-all AA Plaque
Over-all A Plaque
Senior Boys Plaque
Junior Boys Plaque
Novice Boys Plaque
Senior Girls Plaque
Junior Girls Plaque
Novice Girls Plaque

In addition to the above, members of each division winning team will receive a medal (max 10/team) and the individual champion in each division will receive a medal.
Place ribbons will be awarded to the first six places in each event.
Record breakers will receive a plaque. If more than one athlete breaks a record in an event, the plaque will be awarded to the athlete that holds the record at the end of the meet.


a) When two or more teams tie for school team championships, the winner will be the team which has the most first place finishes.
b) When ties occur for individual championships, no individual champion shall be declared on the basis of participation in relays but the same recognition shall be given to the competitors involved.


a) Entries must be in the hands of the convenor the Saturday prior to the meet.
b) LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed eight entries in each individual event and relay. No school is allowed to enter two teams in any relay event. Exceptions: (i) LKSSAA and WECSSAA shall be allowed more than eight (8) entries in the vertical jumps if there are ties for eighth place and beyond, (ii) In an event, where only one Member Association has competitors, they may enter up to sixteen (16) entries provided that the competitors have qualified under 3(d).

c) Substitutions should be made the day of the member association meet. Coaches must act through their member association convenor before the entry sheets are submitted. Substitutions are not allowed the day of the SWOSSAA meet.
d) In order to compete in an individual event or relay at the SWOSSAA meet, a competitor or relay team must have competed successfully in the event or relay at the member association meet.


The events held at the SWOSSAA meet will be the same as those held at the OFSAA meet. For 2024, the 800 m will be run as one section.


a) In order to clarify rules of competition, the following order of interpretation will be used: (l) OFSAA rules (2) World Athletics Handbook
b) A competitor may enter any three individual events in the same age class or open class. In addition, a competitor may enter one open relay and one age class relay provided he/she is not overage for the age class relay in which he/she is competing.
c) Athletes who scratch from a final event after qualifying from a heat will be ineligible to compete for the remainder of the day in any other events including relays.
d) All competitors must wear a proper track or school gym uniform in order to compete. Relay teams must wear identical tops.
e) No sport club or insignia on uniforms or coaches clothing shall be permitted. A sport club is defined as a community, provincially or nationally based organization whose primary purpose is participation in organized competition in single or multi-sport programs. This criteria must be met both on and in the immediate vicinity of the competitive area and during the awards ceremony. Failure to comply will be subject to association sanctions.
f) Athlete names are permitted on the back of the jersey provided they are consistent- first name only, surname only, first and last name. No nick names will be permitted. This would NOT make the jerseys unacceptable for relays.
g) Except those events run as timed finals (400, 800, 4X100, 4X400, Intermediate Hurdles), the placing of contestants in heats and finals, qualification for track finals and throwing and jumping order for field events will be determined by i) OFSAA rules and ii) World Athletics rules. In timed finals, the two (2) association winners plus the next six (6) fastest times will be placed in the second (fast) section. In each section, the four (4) fastest times shall draw for placement in lanes 3,4,5 and 6 and the remaining four (4) times draw for placement in lanes 1,2,7 and 8.

h) Unsportsmanlike conduct by any competitor or coach shall result in disqualificatin of the competitor (e.g. throwing a baton, abusive language).


Points shall be awarded to eight places in all events as follows: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Only the top three finishers in an individual event can score points for their school. Points scored in Open events will count towards a school’s total in the Senior division. Points scored by Para student athletes will count towards a school’s overall total.


Each member association shall supply qualified officials. Each member association shall be responsible for assigning those officials in co-operation with the SWOSSAA convenor. Each member association shall be responsible for assigning one (1) officials to each exchange zone of the 4×100 relay. The Jury of Appeal shall consist of three (3) members, one from a school in LKSSAA, and two from schools in WECSSAA (one from a member school in the GECDSB and one from a school that is not in the GECDSB). If a school appeals the decision of a Referee to the Jury of Appeal and the Jury denies the appeal, then the school’s member Association will be charged fifty (50) dollars.


The SWOSSAA Track and Field Meet will be held on a track with eight lanes on the straight-away.


Volleyball Playing Regulations


Senior A Merlin Royal Teen Club Trophy and Plaque
Senior AA Howard J. Riggs Trophy and Plaque
Senior AAA Plaque
Junior A E. F. Eidt Trophy and Plaque
Junior AA C & D Promotions Trophy and Plaque
Junior AAA Plaque

In addition to the above, members of the winning team will receive a medal (max 12/team).


Senior A Harrow D.H.S. Student Council Trophy and Plaque
Senior AA Nantais Sport Shop Trophy and Plaque
Senior AAA Plaque
Junior A Harrow D.H.S. Athletic Trophy and Plaque
Junior AA E. J. Dunlop Trophy and Plaque
Junior AAA Plaque

In addition to the above, members of the winning team will receive a medal (max 12/team).


The LKSSAA representative will play the WECSSAA representative in a 3/5 match. The match will alternate yearly between LKSSAA and WECSSAA.


  1. a) The Volleyball Canada rule book shall be the official rule book except as noted herein.
    b) A team is allowed twelve substitutions in each game plus the “libero”.
    c) Officials: The officials will be assigned by the OVA assignor. There shall be four officials for each match. The referee shall be at least provincially rated. The umpire and the two linesmen shall be at least locally rated.
    d) It shall be the responsibility of the convener to ensure that all equipment and facilities correspond to the rules outlined in the Volleyball Canada rule book and that the volleyball be light in colour and of soft construction.
    e) The height of the net in boys play shall be 2.43 m. The height of the net in girls play shall be 2.24 m.


Wrestling Playing Regulations

Team champion (Boys and Girls): Trophy and plaque
In addition, the champion, the runner-up and third place finisher in each weight class will receive a medallion.

In the boys and girls tournament, points will be awarded to four places in all weight classes, as follows: 8, 5, 3, 1.
The top sixteen (boys) wrestlers or the top thirteen (girls) wrestlers from a school shall count for team points. Only the top two wrestlers from each school in each weight class shall count for team points.

The SWOSSAA Wrestling Championship shall be held one week before the OFSAA Championship, unless extra ordinary circumstances dictate a change.

The location of the championship shall alternate between the two member associations.

The weight classes for boys and girls will be the same as used at OFSAA.

Each member association may enter four wrestlers per weight class.

The SWOSSAA Tournament will follow CAWA Rules governing current CADET competitions with the same modifications used at the OFSAA tournament.

a) The tournament will run using a bracket, double elimination draw.
b) Weigh-ins shall be conducted between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm the day before the tournament at one site in WECSSAA and one site in LKSSAA.
c) The top two wrestlers in each weight class will qualify to compete in the OFSAA Championship. If the third place wrestler has not met the second place wrestler, he/she may challenge the same for both the right to represent SWOSSAA and for team points.
d) Officials will be assigned by the convenor.
e) Any dispute not covered by either SWOSSAA or OFSAA standing rules is to be decided by the convenor.

The draw for the first round will be: LK1 vs WE4, LK3 vs WE2, LK2 vs WE3, LK4 vs WE1.

Divisions of Play




Under 500


951 +

Blenheim Assumption Chatham Kent
Chatham Christian Wallaceburg Ursuline College
Lambton Kent Lambton Central Holy Names
Paincourt Cardinal Carter Massey
Ridgetown Great Lakes St. Anne
Tilbury Belle River St. Patrick
Alex. Mackenzie Brennan Northern CIVS
North Lambton Catholic Central Villanova
St. Francois Xavier  Essex Sandwich
Lajeunesse Riverside St. Joseph’s
Academie Ste. Cecile North Star
Maranatha Herman
UMEI Kennedy
WIHS Erie Migration
Franco-Jeunesse Leamington
Ecole Secondaire De Lamoth-Cadillac JMSS
Westview Freedom Academy L’Essor
Tecumseh Vista Academy


Procedures for Classification Appeal Process

Step 1.  By May 1, 2025:  a school appealing its classification placement must submit a letter with rationale on school letterhead, signed by the principal, to Stacey Ditchfield.

Step 2.  After May 1, 2025, all schools appealing their classification will be made known to all other SWOSSAA member schools.

Step 3. Any SWOSSAA member school can object to the classification appeal of another SWOSSAA member school. this letter of objection, on school letterhead, signed by the principal, must be submitted to Stacey Ditchfield by May 12, 2025.

Step 4.  The classifications appeal meeting will be held in May and objectors will have their letters read by the committee.

Step 5.  Any SWOSSAA member school can appeal the decision of the SWOSSAA classification appeal committee to OFSAA. OFSAA meeting is held June TBA, 2025 in Toronto. Contact OFSAA directly for more information.

Procedure for Competing in a Higher Population Division

As per: article 3.4.5 — declaration dates

A school must declare its classifications in any fall activity by September 30, in any winter activity by December 15 and in any spring activity by April 1.  Schools not declaring a classification will play in the classification as determined by 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3.  Such declaration shall be in writing on school letterhead and signed by the principal and the coach.  The declaration shall be sent to the secretary-treasurer.

Age Classification For 2024-2025 School Year

For the 2024-2025 school year,

A novice will be born in 2010 or later, and may only compete at SWOSSAA/OFSAA in the novice category for one year and only in grade nine.

A junior will be born in 2009/10

A senior will be born in 2008, 07, 06, 05, 2004 ineligible.

Students are eligible to compete for no more than five (5) consecutive years from date of entry into grade nine. There is no appeal to this rule.

SWOSSAA 2024-2025 Champions





Slo-Pitch winner – Sandwich