ARTICLE 1 – Name
This shall be known as the South-Western Ontario Secondary Schools Athletic Association, hereafter referred to as SWOSSAA.
ARTICLE 2 – Aims and Objectives
In support of the concept of school sport both in terms of benefits to participants and the role that school sport serves within the educational system itself, SWOSSAA will act as spokesperson on behalf of its Member Associations.
In order to provide an incentive to students at the local level to participate in interschool sport and to promote public awareness of the educational benefits which accrue as a result of their participation, SWOSSAA will conduct high school sport championships.
To ensure that the substantial benefits of student involvement at the intramural and school sport club levels are given equal attention, SWOSSAA, through its Member Associations and its publication, will encourage such participation.
ARTICLE 3 — Membership
3.1 — General
3.1.1 SWOSSAA shall consist of groups of schools, hereafter referred to as Member Associations, which meet the requirements stated in this Constitution. These Member Associations are to be comprised of secondary schools approved by the Ministry of Education and Training, Ontario.
3.1.2 The Member Associations are:
(1) Lambton-Kent Secondary Schools Athletic Association (LKSSAA)
(2) Windsor Essex County Secondary Schools Athletic Association (WECSSAA)
3.2 — Method of Application and conditions of Membership
3.2.1 Any school desiring admission shall submit a letter of application to the Secretary-Treasurer. This application shall be on school letterhead and signed by the Principal. The application shall indicate to which Member Association (as listed in 3.1.2) the school belongs. Payment of annual dues shall serve as final application and shall be taken as an indication of willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of SWOSSAA.
3.2.2 The term Secondary School for the purpose of this Constitution shall be taken to include all collegiate institutes, high schools, secondary schools, vocational schools, special vocational schools, and prepatory schools, which are not doing work in advance of that required by the high school curriculum.
3.2.3 The term “Member Association” shall refer to the groups of schools organized for competition by SWOSSAA.
3.3 — Compliance
A school that does not comply with the rules of SWOSSAA may, on the ruling of the Board of Reference, be placed on probation or suspension. In such case, the school in question, shall have the right of appeal. Such appeal must be made within ten (10) school days of the decision to the Board of Directors. During suspension, the school may compete in Member Association play, but will forfeit its right to play in SWOSSAA play-offs and tournaments.
3.4 — Classification
3.4.1 – Basketball/ Volleyball At the senior and junior level, classifications shall be the same as determined by OFSAA guidelines.
3.4.2 — Hockey/Soccer
3.4. 2.1 At the senior level, classifications shall be the same as determined by OFSAA guidelines.
3.4.3—Football There shall be two classifications: A/AA and AAA.
3.4.4 — Other Activities
All other activities are open competitions. In Track and Field, A, AA and AAA classifications (as per OFSAA classifications) will be used to determine over-all team champions only not division champions.
3.4.5 — Declaration Dates
A school must declare its classifications in any fall activity by September 30, in any winter activity by December 15 and in any spring activity by April 1. Schools not declaring a classification will play in the classification as determined by 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. Such declaration shall be in writing on school letterhead and signed by the Principal and the coach. The declaration shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer. A school may participate in only one school classification in any one activity during a school year at the SWOSSAA level. Schools that wish to play at a higher classification must do so for both their senior and junior teams.
A school that declares to a higher classification may withdraw that declaration prior to the deadline date.
These Declaration Dates do not apply to football.
ARTICLE 4 Board of Directors
4.1 — Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, hereafter referred to as the Board, shall be empowered to transact SWOSSAA business. Between meetings of the Board this power shall be vested in the Executive Committee of the Board which is composed of members (hereafter listed) of the Board and is responsible to the Board.
4.1.1 — Members
The Board shall consist of:
(1) The President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the Third Vice President
(2) Secretary-Treasurer
(3) Six (6) representatives from each of LKSSAA and WECSSAA
(4) The Executive may appoint up to two (2) directors at large whose term of office will be three (3) years.
4.1.2 — Voting
The quorum for transaction of business shall be ten (10) members or at least one representative from each Member Association. Each Board member shall have one (1) vote. Proxy votes shall not be accepted. A majority vote shall carry or defeat a motion. (Exception: Articles 9.1, 9.2, By-Law 9.2).
4.1.3 — Meetings
The Board shall meet at least three times each school year. Other meetings may be called by the President or upon request of a majority of Board members. Such request shall be sent to all Board members at least five (5) school days prior to any such meeting. All meetings will be held in the municipality of Chatham-Kent.
4.1.4 — General The Board of Directors under 4.1.1 (4) shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years by the Member Association that they represent. The terms of the Directors will be staggered so that the term of two Directors from each of LKSSAA and WECSSAA end each year. Directors may be re-appointed by their Member Associations for additional terms. Member associations may appoint up to three alternate directors each year. The names of the alternate directors must be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer by the end of June. If a member of the Board of Directors moves from his/her Member Association, he/she shall automatically cease to be a Director and shall be replaced by the representative appointed by the Member Association.
4.2 — Executive committee of the Board of Directors
The Executive Committee of the Board, hereafter referred to as the executive, shall be empowered by the Board to transact SWOSSAA business between meetings of the Board. The executive is composed of members of the Board and is responsible to the Board.
4.2.1 — Members
The Executive shall consist of: the President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the Third Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and SWOSSAA’s representatives to the OFSAA Representative Council.
4.2.2 — Voting
The quorum for the transaction of business shall be four (4) members. Each member of the Executive shall have one(1) vote. A majority vote will carry or defeat a motion.
4.2.3 — Meetings
The Executive shall meet as required. Other meetings may be called by the President or upon request of a majority of the Board of Directors addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer. Notices shall be sent to all executive members at least five (5) school days prior to any such meeting.
5.1 — Chief Executive Officer
The chief Executive Officer of SWOSSAA shall be the President of SWOSSAA. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Board and Executive.
5.2 — General Officers
The officers of SWOSSAA shall be the Board of Directors. Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates shall be chosen from the Principals and Vice-principals of SWOSSAA member schools. They shall be appointed to office at the Board meeting in June. Two shall be from member schools of LKSSAA and two from member schools of WECSSAA. Their term of office shall be one (1) year. A director will serve one year as Third Vice-President, then one year as Second Vice-President, then one year as First Vice-President and one year as President.
5.3 — Secretary – Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Executive and shall be responsible to the Board through the Executive. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an ex-official (non-voting) member of all committees and shall perform such duties as required by the Board and Executives.
5.4 — Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
(i) The secretary-treasurer shall be appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the Executive and shall be responsible to the Board through the Executive. The term of office shall be five academic years, subject to an annual review by the Board at the March/April meeting. When a vacancy occurs, the Board shall appoint an interim secretary-treasurer from current Board members. The permanent job will be advertised in all SWOSSAA member schools. Applications must have the support of the applicant’s local member association and shall be sent to the President of SWOSSAA. The President will arrange for interviews of candidates by the Executive. The Executive will recommend the successful candidate to the Board who may accept or reject the recommendation. The position is open to all certified teachers (including Principals and Vice-principals) from the SWOSSAA member schools. At the end of his/her term, the Board will declare the position vacant. The former secretary-treasurer may re-apply for the position. At any time during his/her five year term, the secretary-treasurer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board provided the motion to remove is submitted one month in advance of a regular Board meeting. The secretary-treasurer shall be an ex-official (non-voting) member of all committees and shall perform such duties as required by the Board and Executive.
5.5 – SWOSSAA’s Representative to the OFSAA Representative Council
The term of office is three years. They shall be elected at the Board meeting in June. There shall be one female and one male representative elected from those directors under 4.1.1 (3).
5.6 – SWOSSAA’s Representatives to the OFSAA Annual Assembly.
The President, First Vice-President, and the reps elected under 5.5 shall be SWOSSAA’s Representatives to the OFSAA Annual Assembly.
6.1 — Standing Committees
There shall be the following standing committee: The SWOSSAA Classification Committee (see By-Law 1).
6.2 — Ad Hoc Committees
There shall be Ad Hoc Committees as deemed necessary and approved by the council, Board or Executive.
7.1 — Structure
The Board of Reference shall consist of three (3) members: One shall be the President, one shall be the First Vice President and one shall be the Second Vice President.
In the event that a school of a member of the Board is involved in the issue, that member of the Board would abstain from the vote due to a conflict of interest, and an alternate person shall be added to the Board of Reference from the Board of Directors.
7.2 — Duties
The Board of Reference shall decide upon all matters pertaining to eligibility of schools or competitors, interpretations of rules and regulations, and protests. There shall be no further appeal (Exception: ARTICLE 3.3).
7.3 — Procedures
7.3.1 A request for the convening of the Board of Reference shall be made directly to the Secretary-Treasurer or designate, on school letterhead and signed by the Principal.
7.3.2 Copies of such requests shall be sent to all parties concerned.
7.3.3 The request must be received within two (2) school days of the occurrence of the issue under dispute. There is no time limit when the issue is player eligibility.
7.3.4 A sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) must be submitted with the request.
7.3.5 Where games are begun or conducted under unusual circumstances, protests will be considered if the attention of the head official is drawn to the condition prior to the game starting or as the condition arises during the game. The game is played under protest from that point onwards. If a protest occurs because of a ruling during the contest, the protest must be made immediately to the head official. The request to the Board of Reference must contain the game specifics (score, time, down, inning, outs, etc.) and the conditions under which the protest was made.
7.3.6 Acts of unsportsmanlike conduct will be dealt with under the procedures of BY-LAW 5.2.
7.4 — Expenses
All expenses involved in calling together the Board of Reference shall be borne by SWOSSAA. The Board of Reference is however empowered to levy expenses against the parties involved when such action is deemed necessary.
8.1 — Structure
The transfer Board shall consist of three (3) members: normally the President, the First Vice-President and the Second Vice-President. Should a conflict of interest arise or a member is unable to attend, a member’s place on the Board shall be taken by the Secretary-Treasurer or another member of the Board of Directors chosen by the President.
8.2 — Meetings
The transfer Board will meet at least three times during the school year: September, February and March or April. Other meetings may be called by the President.
8.3 — Duties
The Transfer Board will hear appeals concerning the eligibility of students from member schools under the OFSAA transfer policy.
8.4 – Procedures
8.4.0 A fee of $50.00, in the form of cash or certified cheque, must accompany the appeal to the SWOSSAA Transfer Board. No appointment will be granted until this levy is received. The monies will be returned if the appeal is successful.
8.4.1 A school requesting that the Transfer Board approve a student for SWOSSAA/OFSAA play must make such request on the SWOSSAA TRANSFER FORM and include all necessary documentation. Such a request must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer or a Transfer Board member twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting of the Transfer Board.
8.4.2 A school not having the proper documentation will not have their students(s) considered by the Transfer Board. A school may either re-submit the name(s) at the next meeting of the Transfer Board or submit an appeal directly to OFSAA.
8.4.3 In the event that a student is declared eligible by a Member Association Transfer Committee, and that determination of eligibility is challenged by way of an appeal to the SWOSSAA Transfer Board, the following procedure shall be followed: The challenge to the eligibility of the student shall be in writing and shall include the reasons for the challenge, and shall refer to the section or sections of the OFSAA Transfer Policy on which the challenge is based.
8.4.4 At the Transfer Board hearing, the student or representative may make whatever submissions or call whatever witnesses he or she chooses, and which the Transfer Board shall permit in its sole and exclusive discretion.
8.4.5 A majority vote will approve or disapprove each application. The Transfer Board shall render its decision, in writing, and in doing so shall state the reason(s) for its decision. Any decision of the Transfer Board may be appealed to the OFSAA Board of Reference – Transfers.
9.1 The Constitution may be amended at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those Directors present and voting. Amendments must be voted upon as submitted except for changes in wording only for clarification purposes.
9.2 The playing regulations governing competition in the various activities sponsored by SWOSSAA can be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
9.3 Proposed amendments must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer for circulation to all member of the Board at least one month prior to a Board meeting.
9.4 Approved amendments shall be effective immediately following their adoption unless the date is specified in the amendment.
9.5 The Constitution will be on the SWOSSAA Website. Member schools are urged to check the website after each Board of Directors meeting for the latest updates.
1.1.1 — Structure
The SWOSSAA Classification Committee shall be comprised of three members, one from LKSSAA, one from WECSSAA and the Secretary-Treasurer. Each member association will select its own member to the Committee.
1.1.2 — Duties
The SWOSSAA Classification Committee will hear appeals from member schools that wish to be placed in a lower classification than the one that they were placed in under Article 3.4 of the Constitution.
1.1.3 — Meetings
The SWOSSAA Classification Committee will meet once a year in May. The date of the meeting will be published on the SWOSSAA website.
1.1.4 — Procedures—A school appealing its classification placement must submit a letter on school letterhead, signed by the Principal, with rationale to the secretary-treasurer by May 1st. (or the following Monday if May 1st is a Saturday or Sunday)—All schools appealing their classification will be made known to all other SWOSSAA member schools.—Any SWOSSAA member school can object to the classification appeal of another SWOSSAA member school. This letter of objection, on school letterhead, signed by the Principal, must be submitted to the secretary-treasurer by May 8th. (or the following Monday if May 8th is a Saturday or Sunday)—At the Classification Meeting, appointments will be provided to appealing schools only. Objectors will have their letters read by the Committee.—Any SWOSSAA member school can appeal the decision of the SWOSSAA Classification Committee to OFSAA.
2.1 — Fees
Member schools shall pay a fee of one dollar ($1.00) per FTE student on the basis of maximum student enrolment as of October 31 of the current school year.
2.1.1—Collection of Fees
On or before October 1st of the current school year, each school will pay 50% of the amount that was paid the previous year. Schools not making this payment will be suspended from SWOSSAA until such payment is made. The remainder of the fee (as calculated in By-Law 2.1) is due by December 1st of the current school year. A school not making this payment shall be suspended from SWOSSAA until such payment is made.
2.2 — Expenses
Legitimate and reasonable expenses of Officers and Directors, the Board of Reference, the Transfer Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer or any other committee appointed by SWOSSAA shall be paid from SWOSSAA funds while such members are on business for SWOSSAA. The travel rate is ($0.50) per kilometre.
2.3 — Disbursements
See By-Law 2.5
2.4 — Honorarium
The Secretary-Treasurer will be paid an honorarium of six thousand five hundred($6500.00) per fiscal year. The honorarium shall be paid in four equal installments on September 1, December 1, March 1, and June 1. The amount will be reviewed annually by the Executive at the March/April Board of Directors meeting.
2.5 — Bank Account and Disbursements
There shall be two signing officers for the Association’s bank account. One shall be the Secretary-Treasurer and the other shall be the President or one of the three Vice-Presidents. All disbursements shall be made over the signature of the Secretary-Treasurer or the other signing officer.
2.6 — Financial Year
The financial year for SWOSSAA will run from July 1 to June 30.
2.7 — Admission Fee
Activity Convenors may charge an admission fee for all spectator sports (maximum five dollars ($5.00)). Net gate receipts belong to the host school. The penalty for charging more than the allotted amount is a $250.00 fine, payable by the school to SWOSSAA. Until payment of fine is received, the school will be suspended from all SWOSSAA participation.
2.8 – Event Expenses
SWOSSAA will pay expenses incurred in running badminton, cross-country, curling, golf, (except green fees), swimming, tennis (a fee will be charged to each competitor to cover rental fees above $300), track and field, and wrestling. In all other activities, the expenses incurred in running the event are the responsibility of the home team.
2.9 — OFSAA Events
When SWOSSAA Member Association hosts an OFSAA event (except Track and Field Regionals), the host Member Association will pay SWOSSAA one hundred ($100.00) dollars. The host Member Association will keep all of SWOSSAA’s share of the profits. The host Member Association will be responsible to pay all losses not covered by OFSAA.
For Track and Field Regionals, SWOSSAA and the host Member Association will equally divide the profits and be equally responsible for the losses.
2.10 — OFSAA Entry Fees
The qualifying school shall pay the entry fees applicable to student-athletes sanctioned bye SWOSSAA to compete in OFSAA sanctioned Championships and Regionals.
3.1 SWOSSAA shall co-ordinate competition in the following activities:
Activity | Season |
Co-Ed Badminton | Spring |
Boys Basketball | Winter |
Girls Basketball | Fall |
Co-Ed Cross-Country | Fall |
Curling (Boys & Girls) | Winter |
Co-Ed Golf | Fall |
Hockey (Boys & Girls) | Winter |
Soccer (Boys & Girls) | Spring |
Co-Ed Tennis | Fall |
Co-Ed Track & Field | Spring |
Boys Volleyball | Fall |
Girls Volleyball | Winter |
Co-Ed Wrestling | Winter |
Boys Baseball | Spring |
Co-Ed Swimming Slo-Pitch |
Winter Spring |
SWOSSAA will not act as a co-ordinating body, unless both Member Associations declare a champion after conducting a sanctioned tournament or schedule of events.
3.1.1 If an OFSAA activity is a recognized activity in only one Member Association that member Association can determine its entry to OFSAA as it sees fit to do. If an OFSAA activity is not a recognized activity by any member Association, individual schools are not allowed to enter OFSAA championships in that activity.
3.2 A Member Association not presently involved in a SWOSSAA competition and wishing to do so in the forthcoming year must declare its intention to do so on or before the Board meeting in June.
3.3 — OFSAA Entries
When SWOSSAA is allowed a second entry to OFSAA in a team sport, that entry will be determined in the following manner.
3.3.1 If only one Member Association has a representative in that activity, it may choose the second representative as it sees fit to do.
3.3.2 If both Member Associations have representatives, then the losing finalist will host a game between itself and the runner-up from the champion’s member association. The champion’s member association will determine the runner-up school. (If no such team wishes to compete at SWOSSAA, then the losing finalist will represent SWOSSAA).
Exception: Curling and Football: The losing finalist will be the second entry.
3.3.3 If NWOSSAA is hosting an OFSAA team championship, SWOSSAA will not accept a second entry to the OFSAA event.
3.3.4 — SWOSSAA Hosts an OFSAA Event
If SWOSSAA is hosting an OFSAA team championship, the host school will receive an automatic entry. If no host school is designated, then the champion of the Member Association hosting the event will be the automatic entry. If the automatic entry wins SWOSSAA, then the second entry will be determined by By-Law 3.3.1. or 3.3.2. If the host school is accepting the automatic entry, they must declare by the following date: Fall Activities (Oct. 15), Winter Activities (Jan 15), Spring Activities (Apr. 15). Such declaration shall be in writing on school letterhead and signed by the Principal and coach. The declaration shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer. If no such declaration is sent, then the Member Association champion shall be the automatic entry.
3.3.5 – SWOSSAA Hosts OFSAA Badminton
The extra two entries (individual or team) shall be allocated as follows:
The individual/team that finishes third at the SWOSSAA championship shall be the third entry. If the individual/team that finishes fourth at the SWOSSAA championship is not from a school that is from the region (City (of Windsor), County (of Essex), LKSSAA North, LKSSAA South) of the school that is hosting the OFSAA championship then the fourth entry will go to the highest finisher from the Regional tournament who qualified for the SWOSSAA tournament (who has not already qualified for OFSAA). If no such individual/team exists, then the fourth entry will go to the individual/team that finished fourth at the SWOSSAA tournament.
4.1 — Association
4.1.1 Each Member Association shall be entitled to representation at each SWOSSAA championship, provided the activity is a recognized activity in that Member Association.
4.1.2 The following are entry confirmation deadline dates for SWOSSAA Championships.
Any Member Association which does not confirm its entry by the specified date shall
be deemed to have forfeited its entry into the Championship
September 30th – Boys Football, Boys Volleyball, Girls Basketball
December 15th – Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Boys Hockey, Girls Hockey
April 1st – Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Baseball
For Member Associations withdrawing a team(s) after the commitment deadline, the Member Association will be fined $100 per team and the costs of running the event (if applicable) including but not limited to the cost of officials, rental fees, and the cost of awards.
4.2 — Schools
4.2.1 Membership in a Member Association and conformity with the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules of the Member Association concerned is a pre-requisite for participation in any activity co-ordinated by SWOSSAA.
4.2.2 Athletes from two schools may participate on the same school team when the following criteria are met:
i) the two schools have entered into an official twinning arrangement of all school sport activities;
ii) the student population of one of the schools is under 100 students;
iii) the two schools either share facilities or are in close proximity to each other;
iv) the Member Association and SWOSSAA support the twinning of the two schools.
4.3 — Coaches
SWOSSAA supports the concept of teacher-coaches for school teams. SWOSSAA supports the concept of quality coaches regardless of sex.
4.4 — Individuals
Note: To represent a school in any activity co-ordinated by SWOSSAA, a student must meet all the eligibility requirements of 4.4.
4.4.1 A student must be eligible for competition under the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules of the Member Association to which his/her school belongs.
4.4.2 A student must be certified eligible by the principal of the school.
4.4.3 A student must meet the following age requirements:
Senior: The individual’s birth certificate indicates that he/she was born in 2000 or later
Junior: The individual’s birth certificate indicates that he/she was born in 2004 or later.
Novice: The individual’s birth certificate indicates that he/she was born in 2005 or later. An individual is allowed to compete as a novice if he/she is in his/her first year of high school only.
4.4.4 A student must be in grades 9 – 12.
4.4.5 Students who have fewer than twenty-two (22) credits must be taking courses which define them as full time students under the Ministry of Education definition. Namely, a student in a traditional school must be registered in a minimum of six (6) full day school credit courses; in a semestered school, a student must be registered in a minimum of three (3) full day school credit courses in the semester in which he/she participates. Students who have achieved twenty-two (22) credits must be taking four (4) non-semestered full day school credit courses over the school year of two (2) full day school credit courses in the semester in which he/she participates.
4.4.6 All participants should be stimulated to achieve creditable academic progress and to make a contribution to the general educational program of the member school.
4.4.7 A student must be enrolled as a day student on or before September 30th of the current school year or has enrolled at least ten (10) school days prior to the contest concerned and in attendance at least 75% of the regular school days intervening between the date of registration and the date of the contest except when a school is legally closed by a municipality and except where there is a disabling illness.
4.4.8 A student must be attending a school which is in good standing with a Member Association holding membership in SWOSSAA.
4.4.9 A student must continue to participate in the higher classification in an activity if he/she elects to participate in two games in that activity in the Member Association’s league or play-offs in an age group above which he/she normally could play in a current season. N.B. If a player is dressed for a game and his/her name appears on the roster, he/she will be considered to have played.
4.4.10 A student must be eligible according to the OFSAA Transfer Policy.
4.4.11 A student must have taken part in at least one regular season league game or qualifying activity in his/her local league within his/her Member Association.
4.4.12 A student is eligible for competition for five (5) consecutive years after first enrolling in secondary school.
4.4.13 A student must compete in only one classification in any play-off or championship meet or series in the same season in any activity at the SWOSSAA level. (Exception: Open events in Track and Field and relays in Swimming and Track and Field). SWOSSAA Challenge Games are considered to be senior play-off games.
4.4.14 A student who registers and either (i) attends one full term or semester or (ii) practices or plays with a intercollegiate team at a post-secondary institution, and then returns to any high school is ineligible for the remainder of his/her high school career.
4.4.15 A player who is suspended by his/her Member Association will remain on suspension according to the constitution of the Member Association.
4.4.16 Any student who participates in an organized practice or game at which or from which he/she receives remuneration shall be ineligible for secondary school competition in that activity.
4.4.17 Any contest in which an ineligible contestant participates shall be forfeited. This penalty shall applie, subject to appeal to the Board of Reference, even though formal protest has not been made.
4.4.18 Regardless of age classification or gender, a student may only compete in one SWOSSAA
Championship in the same sport during the same school year. ( eg. Eligible to play Girls
basketball or Boys basketball, not both).
5.1 — Teacher Supervision
It is desirable that only teachers with the highest ideals be selected to coach interschool activity. If the coach of a team is not a teacher at the school participating, then a supervising teacher, who is a regular member of the teaching staff of the participating school, must also be enlisted both to facilitate and maintain educational direction. If the coach is a retired teacher, then by the approval of the school principal, they may act as the supervising teacher. The supervising teacher must be present in the playing area and where applicable, on the bench. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of contest. Officials are not to begin a contest unless the supervising teacher is present. The forfeiting school is responsible for payment of official fees and will be suspended from SWOSSAA until such fees are paid.
5.2 — Censure
In the event of unsportsmanlike conduct, all players and team officials are open to censure by SWOSSAA. Acts of unsportsmanlike conduct such as deliberate rough play, fighting, abusive language or actions directed at an official shall be reported to the Secretary-Treasurer by the convenor, coach, game officials or SWOSSAA officials. When the Secretary-Treasurer receives a report, he/she will notify the Principal of the offender’s school, the offender and the offender=s coach. The Secretary-Treasurer will call a meeting of the Board of Reference. The Board of Reference will hear testimony of all concerned parties prior to a decision being made. Infractions may result in suspension of the offender from all OFSAA-SWOSSAA athletic competition for a period of time to be determined by the Board of Reference.
5.3 Spectators
5.3.1 In cases of fan interference with play in any game under SWOSSAA jurisdiction :
a) An official may give warnings
b) If fans interfere with the play of the game, an official may give a warning or the match may be called by the referee
c) The final disposition of the game will be determined by the Executive in consultation with the coaches and officials.
6.1 Trophies will be awarded to all champions in team competitions.
6.2 Plaques will be awarded to all champions in team competitions.
6.3 Medals will be awarded in each activity in accordance with the Playing regulations of that activity. Schools may purchase extra medals for those students on the team over the allotted number. Medals and ribbons will be awarded in any division only if at least one match takes place.
No other awards than those approved by the Playing Regulations in this Constitution shall be made to any athlete at SWOSSAA competition.
6.5 SWOSSAA will pay for the awards in all activities.
A convenor should not accrue expenses associated with a SWOSSAA event prior to obtaining permission to do so from the SWOSSAA secretary-treasurer. Failure to do so may result in convenor being responsible for said expenses.
Activity convenors shall submit to the Secretary-Treasurer a financial statement and written report within 14 days after the SWOSSAA event. This statement shall list all income, expenses and disbursements made to competing schools.
Each Member Association will be expected to convene those activities as listed in the SWOSSAA Calendar of Events. In the event that a Member Association cannot convene/host the event due
to lack of facilities, it then becomes the responsibility of the next Member Association in the rotation.
If a Member Association cannot or chooses not to field a representative and that Member Association was scheduled to host the Championship, then it becomes the responsibility of the
other Member Association.
In badminton, LKSSAA and WECSSAA will be charged an entry fee of $480 per tournament.
In cross-country, an entry fee of $6/runner will be charged with a minimum entry fee of $10.
In swimming, schools shall be charged an entry fee of $6 per swimmer per individual event and $10 per relay team with a minimum entry fee of $10.
In track and field, the entry fee is $6/athlete/event and $15/relay team.
In wrestling, an entry fee of $20/wrestler will be charged.
All entry fees are to be paid by the member associations directly to the SWOSSAA Secretary-Treasurer.
No convenor will collect entry fees at any SWOSSAA event or charge any entry fees to those SWOSSAA events not listed in this By-Law. For those SWOSSAA events which do not have a flat rate entry fee, the convenor will determine the entry fee of each school and forward it to the appropriate member association Secretary-Treasurer.
Game times: The home team will set the starting time of SWOSSAA play-off games within the following parameters:
a) Basketball,Volleyball: The starting time shall be between 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm.
b) Baseball, Soccer, Slo-Pitch -the starting time shall be between 4:00 pm and 7:30pm.
c) Football: The starting time shall be between 1:00 pm and 7:30 pm. If the SWOSSAA championships are played as a doubleheader, then the starting time of the first game will be between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
d) Hockey: The starting time shall be between 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm.
Starting times can only be outside these parameters with the consent of the visiting team. If the home team is unable to set a time within these parameters, they will lose the home court and the other team will become the home team.
If transportation (school buses) are cancelled for any school that is participating in a SWOSSAA championship that day, the SWOSSAA championship will be postponed and re-scheduled by the secretary-treasurer.
The home team or host member association shall provide qualified first aid at the following SWOSSAA events: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Hockey, Soccer, Track and Field, Volleyball and Wrestling.
a. Students may participate in a sport of their preference based on their chosen gender identity – this is determined by their chosen Lives Gender Identity.
b. Students may exercise their right to change their Lived Gender Identity but must continue to play the sport in the gender they chose for the remainder of that season.
c. In compliance with OFSAA By-Laws, students may not participate in the same sport more than once per year – eg. play girls basketball in the fall and boys in the winter.
Rationale : In compliance with OFSAA, WECSSAA and LKSSAA policies.
The By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors where a quorum is present, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those members present. Amendments approved shall be effective immediately following their adoption unless the date is specified in the amendment.
Activity | Season |
Co-Ed Badminton | Spring |
Boys Basketball | Winter |
Girls Basketball | Fall |
Co-Ed Cross-Country | Fall |
Curling (Boys & Girls) | Winter |
Co-Ed Golf | Fall |
Hockey (Boys & Girls) | Winter |
Soccer (Boys & Girls) | Spring |
Co-Ed Tennis | Fall |
Co-Ed Track & Field | Spring |
Boys Volleyball | Fall |
Girls Volleyball | Winter |
Co-Ed Wrestling | Winter |
Boys Baseball | Spring |
Co-Ed Swimming | Winter |